Ben 'flick the birdy' Pomare

Suburb: Wellington
DOB: ?
Born: ?
Nickname: Poms
Tries 2008: 1
Profile: The mouth and joker of the team, Poms has gracefully moved from being on the sideline to commanding a starting spot. His Norm Maxwell like workload and his Ian Jones agility in the lineout makes Poms a hard player to put down.


likeafish said...

Ben Pomare "poms" to his teamates is a rangy lock with a temper to match.

A solid season in 2007 has given this character a sturdy base on which to build.

Is ben "the mouth" poms coming back for 2008 ... we can only wait and see

discomoods said...

My email is not discohoods.

Ps. Lavy loves cock